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What will be the price of Casper in 2030?

According to our deep technical analysis on past price data of CSPR, In 2030 the price of Casper is predicted to reach at a minimum level of $0.62. The CSPR price can reach a maximum level of $0.76 with the average trading price of $0.64. Read More

What is the expected price of CSPR in 2025?

As per our findings, the CSPR price could reach a maximum possible level of $0.073 with the average forecast price of $0.064. Read More As per the forecast price and technical analysis, In 2025 the price of Casper is predicted to reach at a minimum level of $0.090.

How much has Casper changed in the past 90 days?

The 90 days price change is around -0.55% and the price circulated from a minimum average price of $0.027 to maximum average price of $0.028 in the past 90 days. Casper is down by -2.50% with the maximum average price of the coin was around $0.031 and the minimum average price of was around $0.029 in past 4 months.

What is the price of Casper in 2027?

The price of Casper is predicted to reach at a minimum value of $0.20 in 2027. The Casper price could reach a maximum value of $0.23 with the average trading price of $0.20 throughout 2027. Read More Casper price is forecast to reach a lowest possible level of $0.28 in 2028.

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